Human Essentials



The Request/Distribution Cycle

You can distribute materials to your partners as soon as you have them entered into the system. However, many banks find it useful to allow their partners to request products through the system.

To allow partners to make requests, you will have to invite them, and approve them, based on a profile they fill out and submit. There is a shortcut to do both at once.

For clarity - you can make distributions without requests.

So, how does this work?

1/ The partner fills in a request form on the system and saves it.

2/ They get an email confirming that the request has been sent to you.

3/ This requests appears in the system in the following places: a) your dashbboard, under “Outstanding Requests”, and in the Requests view.

4/ You view the request, and click “Fulfill request” (you so have the option of cancelling it)

5/ That marks the request as “started” – so other staff don’t grab the same request to start working on it, and brings up a new [Distribution] for the partner, with the information we can pre-fill, pre-filled.

6/ You fill in the rest of the information, and make any adjustments required.

7/ Clicking “Save” creates the distribution in the system, adjusting the inventory, and sends an email to the partner with the details attached. They can also see the distribution in their “Upcoming Distributions” list.

8/ You set aside the products for pick-up / deliver them / ship them

9/ You can mark the distribution as complete.

Please note that you can edit distributions (e.g. if you have more product come in before pickup). The partner does not get a new email if you do that.[TODO: Confirm]

Prior: Pick ups and deliveries Next: importing partners