Human Essentials



[TODO: Upcoming change review – terminology. I feel like these are going to be done before the first pass is through so I’m leaving the screenshots out for the nonce.]

Approving partners

There are three paths in to reviewing a partner’s information before approving them to make requests –

1/ There is a list of partners awaiting approvals on the dashboard. To start the approval process, click “Review Application”;

[TODO: Screenshot]

2/ Click “Partner Agencies” and “All Partners” in the left-hand menu, then “Review Application” beside the partner.

[TODO: Screenshot]

or 3/ Click “Partner Agencies” and “All Partners” in the left-hand menu, then click the partner name. Scroll down to see the partner profile information, which starts just below the “Approve Partner” button

[TODO: Screenshot]

In any of these cases, you can view all the answers in the profile. If something needs changing, you can do it yourself by clicking the “Edit Information” button, or the partner can make the change.

See Partner profiles for details on the partner profile. [TODO: Link should go to the part of partner profiles that lists all the fields]

Once you have reviewed the partner’s info, and want to approve them to make requests, click the “Approve Partner “ button.
[TODO: Screenshot]

You should see a “Partner Approved!” message, and the status of the partner will show as “Approved” [TODO: Screenshot]

Prior - Partner Profiles Next - Requesting Recertification