Human Essentials



[TODO: Screenshots throughout. Waiting for Partner Profiles rework.]

Partner Profiles

Partner profiles allow you to gather and hold a lot of information about your partners that may be useful for meeting your regulatory requirements, managing their experience, and for grant-writing.

There is a lot of information in the profile, and the information that is needed varies from bank to bank. Once you decide what information you need from your partners, you can set up the partner profiles to show the sections that you need, customizing it through “My organization”.

How does a partner fill in and submit their profile

In the partner’s view of the system, they can click on “Edit My Profile” to fill in all the information you want.
Once they have save this, they will also see a “Submit for Approval” button. Clicking that changes their status to “Waiting for Approval”, and makes them appear in your dashboard list of partners waiting for approval, as well as making a “Review partner’s application” button appear beside them in your view of all the partners.

Viewing a partner’s profile

The partner’s profile is viewable by clicking Partner Agencies in the left hand menu, then All Partners, then “view” beside the partner in question. Scroll down to “Partner Profile”

Editing a partner’s profile

You can edit a partner’s profile clicking Partner Agencies in the left hand menu, then All Partners, then “view” beside the partner in question. Scroll down to “Partner Profile”, then click “Edit Information.”

The sections

The high level sections of the partner profile are:

Agency Information (not configurable)

This section contains basic agency information that most, if not all, partners will need to provide:

Program / Delivery Address (if different)

Sometimes, a large agency may have a separate address for a specific program or for deliveries/shipping.

Media Information

This provides a place for the agency to indicate their major communication outlets.

If the bank chooses to ask for this information, the partner must fill in at least one of the fields:

Agency Stability

This section is about the maturity of the agency.

None of these fields are mandatory.

Organization Capacity

This section has specific questions about the volume of the agency’s needs.

Sources of Funding

How does the agency get its funding?

Area Served (County/Client Share %)

This asks what county/county equivalents the agency serves and what proportion of their client share is in which area.

At this time, this only covers U.S. counties. We believe the list covers all of the U.S, including some areas that are not counties.
Let us know if you need more!

The sum of the client share has to be either 0 or 100, and the numbers have to be positive whole numbers.

You start out with 1 county, but can add more with the “Add Another County button”

Population Served

This section has only two questions:


Poverty Information of those Served:

Executive Director

Contact information for the head of the agency:

Pick Up Person

The Pick Up person will receive an email when the distribution is scheduled. [TODO: Check – is it only on pickups, or do they get it for deliveries too?]

Agency Distribution Information

This section is about the agency’s practices when distributing to their clients.

Additional Documents

This is a place to upload additional documents that you need from your partner.

Settings (not configurable)

Many banks restrict the partners to one kind of request (see Customization). If you don’t, the partner can still simplify their request experience by unclicking the items that don’t apply. Only the options that you haven’t already turned off will show up here, and at least one has to be checked.

Prior: inviting a partner Next: Approving a partner