Human Essentials



Requesting Recertification

From time to time, perhaps annually, you may want to confirm that the information your partner has provided is correct. That is what “request recertification” is for.

** N.B. Once you request recertification, the partner will not be able to enter requests until you have approved them again!! **

If you request recertification from a partner, they will receive an email requesting that they update their information [TODO: provide text of email], and their status will change to “Recertification required”.

To request recertification, go to the All Partners screen (click on “Partner Agencies”, then “All Partners” in the left hand menu), then click the red “Request Recertification” button beside the partner. A confirmation window will pop up - check that you picked the right partner, and click “OK”.

[TODO: provide screenshot – that screen is likely to change before the end of writing.]

This will change the status of the partner to “Recertification required”.

Once they have made their changes, you can approve them again, which will restore their ability to make requests.

(Note: They have a “Submit for Approval” button, which would change their status to “Waiting for Approval”, and make them appear in your dashboard, but you can bypass that step)

Prior – Approving a partner Next – making a partner inactive