Human Essentials



Levels of Access

There are 4 different levels of access in the system:

  1. Organization Admin
  2. Organization User
  3. Partner
  4. Super Admin

(We are currently discussing adding a user who is restricted to a specific location, but we don’t have it yet)

Organization Admin

Organization Admins are the top-level user at your essentials bank. They can do everything an Organization User (see below) can do, plus:

Organization User

This is your basic user for your bank – they can do all the data entry except for those things reserved for the Organization Admin, above. Organization Users have the right to:


Partner users’ access is, of course, limited to the scope of the Partner they belong to. Within that scope, they can:

Super Admin

This bit is for information only – A limited number of Human Essentials staff have a superadmin role that allows us to perform the following duties: