Human Essentials



Partner announcements

Partner announcements are a great way to let your partners know about temporary situations – like when you need to put some limits on what you can give out of a particular size. Some banks also use them to point to other resources. These announcements appear on the partner’s dashboard, so they’ll be there whenever the partner logs in.

How to create an announcement

Click on “Partner Agencies” in the left hand menu, then “Partner Announcement”. This will bring up a list of all your partner announcements.

all announcments screen

Click the “New Announcements” button to bring up a form for a new announcement

[TODO: Also check that the “SEnt by” actually has meaning. As org_admin1, it just says “N/A”.] new announcement screen

Here you can fill in

Then, as soon as you click “Broadcast announcement”, the partners will see it when they log in.

Changing an announcment

Simply click “edit” in the actions column beside the announcement you want to change, make your changes, and click “Broadcast announcement”

Deleting an announcement

You may want to clear out your older announcements. You can click “delete” beside any announcement to remove it from your view. It also will be deleted from the partner’s view, if it was not yet expired.

Prior: Other partner information Next: Inventory – Items