Human Essentials



Getting started – inventory

When we set up your organization, we provide a default set of items ranging from adult briefs to kids (newborn) to tampons. You can modify this list at any time, through the Inventory Items feature.
This section of the guide will take you through a couple of ways to get your initial inventory in. [TODO: Rewrite once we have audits available as a starting strategy] [TODO: Really – this should just be inventory adjustment front and center – but that’s not how the system works atm]

Adding a past donation

One easy way to get your current inventory set up is to just enter a donation per storage location with all of the current inventory, and put a comment on it to indicate that this was your starting inventory. The values you enter there will be included in your donation reports for the year, so if you don’t want that, either backdate the donation to the previous year or use the inventory adjustments method, below.

To enter a past donation, simply click on the “Add past donation” button, which takes you to the New Donation screen, which is described in a lot of detail here

navigation to enter_past_donation

Adding a past purchase

Similarly, if you’ve started your bank with a purchase of goods, you might want to enter the details as a purchase. The values you enter here will be included in your purchase reports for the year chosen.

navigation to enter_past_purchase

Inventory adjustment

Another (some say superior) way to set up your bank is through inventory adjustments. This has the advantage of keeping your initial inventory, however it was acquired, out of donation and purchase reports. The details on entering an inventory adjustment can be found here

navigation to enter new inventory adjustment