Human Essentials




There are a few ways to get support – some are better than others.

For banks:


We highly recommend that you become a member of the human essentials Slack. Here’s a link to an invite:

It’s a good place to ask about how other banks actually use the system – any workarounds for things that don’t 100% match how the system is set up. (for instance, 1 bank has added an item that they use for the partners to report how many children are served by a bulk request.)

It’s often the quickest way to get support from the human essentials team as well, and the easiest way to interact with the development team.

Support tickets

There is a link to submit a support ticket is at the bottom of the “Need Help?” screen. This will get to us, but it will take longer. We generally look at these about once a week, on Sundays.


You can email We generally look at these about once a week, on Sundays.

Stakeholder circle

We hold a stakeholder circle the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm Eastern Time. There will be other banks there, plus a couple members of the Human Essentials team. We publish the zoom, and (when we remember) in the Announcements in Human Essentials.

For partners:

We recommend that the partners seek support through the banks. Each bank has their own particular way of doing things, and the development team doesn’t want to mess that up.