Human Essentials


Donation Sites

Donation sites are places where people drop off donations. You can manage the sites’ information on the “Donation Sites” page under the “Community” section.

Donation Sites

Previously recorded information about donation sites appears on this page including the name of the donation site name, address, contact name, e-mail and phone number.

Adding a Donation Site

Create a new site by populating the donation site, address, contact name, e-mail and phone fields and clicking the “Create” button.

Create Donation_Site

Note that the donation site and address fields are mandatory while the contact name, email and phone are optional.

You can also use the “+ New Donation Site” button which renders a form for you to fill in details of a new donation site.

Add Donation_Site

After saving the site’s details there will be a new row on the Donation Sites page.

Viewing Donation Site information

Clicking on the “view” button beside a donation site will show detailed information for that site, including the donation site name, address, contact name, e-mail, phone number, storage location. It also shows a list of the donations for that site including the quantity of items and variety of items. You can drill down to see the full details of each donation by clicking “View donation details”.

Donation Sites Details

Editing Donation Site information

Clicking on the “Edit” button beside a donation site in the donation site list lets you edit the name, address, contact name, email and phone number.

Edit Donation Site Details

Deactivating a Donation Site

Use the “Deactivate” button to delete information about a donation site that is no longer active.

Deactivate Donation Sites

Exporting Donation Sites

You can export the active donation sites by clicking on the “Export Donation Sites” button. This will provide a .csv file containing the name, address, and contact information for each active donation site.

Export Donation Sites